Meet The Team: DJ


Meet the Team

It's always nice to know a little about the people you're dealing with when you call the office or are expecting a delivery, so we're going to introduce a few members of the team so you can put some faces to some names.

DJ is quite tall, super friendly, and a very good assembler.  He's been with assemblyNOW for roughly 18 months and has quickly cemented himself as an integral part of the assemblyNOW.

We asked DJ a few questions about his work with assemblyNOW and what he gets up to when he's not whipping up entire bedroom suites with one eye closed:

What did you do before joining the team at assemblyNOW?

I actually worked in IT - completely different field! I'd been in that industry for a while, but needed to get off the desk chair and be more active.

What do you enjoy about the work you do now?

I really love being on the road and driving all around Victoria. I enjoy the physical nature of the work, working with my hands, and the challenge of completing complex jobs and installations.

What's your favourite movie?

Bad Boys 2 - "Don't hate the player, hate the game"!

What do you get up to in your spare time?

Spare time? What's that?! I actually play sport most nights of the week - predominantly footy and basketball, but I'm also a drummer in a band with my old man.

So there you go - that's a little bit about DJ. Make sure next time you have a delivery from him you discuss all things drums, sport, or Bad Boys 2 with him!